Unstoppable Rise
Unstoppable Rise is a podcast which helps motivated individuals close the gap between where they are and where they want to be through self-improvement and timeless universal principles. Episodes center on some mixture of: •Philosophical inquiries •General success principles •Psychological tenants of human existence •Improving one’s self as an individual and as a man •Productivity strategies for personal and professional development If any or all of these are up your alley, then this is the podcast for you.

Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
We are here at the end of yet another year. What are you gonna do?
If you don't know how to occupy your days, then take these suggestions on how to generate massive momentum into 2024 and close out this year properly.
Resources Mentioned:
Articles :
How to Do a Life Audit - https://www.unstoppablerise.com/how-to-do-a-life-audit/
How to Set Short and Long-Term Goals - https://www.unstoppablerise.com/short-term-vs-long-term-goals/
How to Escape the NPC Lifestyle - https://www.unstoppablerise.com/stop-the-npc-lifestyle/
Dopamine Detox - https://www.unstoppablerise.com/dopamine-detox-neural-reset/
Social // Website // Courses
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/unstoprise
40 Mental Models to Improve Your Thinking - https://unstoppablerise.gumroad.com/l/40mentalmodels
Courses - https://unstoppablerise.thinkific.com/

Friday Dec 22, 2023
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Pandering for external validation has always been present in human psychology to different degrees.
But we live in a turbocharged, hyperstimulatory modern environment which ratchets up this tendency to 11.
In this episode, Sim goes over some of the ways people (and especially men) seek to gain validation from others and how it ultimately damages them in the long run.
If you are a people pleaser or a validation junkie - you'll want to tune in to this episode.
Resources Mentioned:
Articles :
Psycho-Cybernetics: An In-Depth Guide - https://www.unstoppablerise.com/psycho-cybernetics/
Dopamine Detox - https://www.unstoppablerise.com/dopamine-detox-neural-reset/
Social // Website // Courses
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/unstoprise
40 Mental Models to Improve Your Thinking - https://unstoppablerise.gumroad.com/l/40mentalmodels
Courses - https://unstoppablerise.thinkific.com/

Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
The holidays are a great time to be around people–and practice your social skills. In this episode, Sim gives a brief rundown about why it's so important to socialize with others during this time and increase your social intelligence.
Resources Mentioned:
Conversationally Speaking - https://amzn.to/3NhFQzS
How to Overcome Social Anxiety - https://www.unstoppablerise.com/overcome-social-anxiety/
30 Holiday Conversation Starters - https://www.mydomaine.com/thanksgiving-conversation-starters
57 Killer Conversation Starters - https://www.scienceofpeople.com/conversation-starters-topics/
Social // Website // Courses
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/unstoprise
40 Mental Models to Improve Your Thinking - https://unstoppablerise.gumroad.com/l/40mentalmodels
Courses - https://unstoppablerise.thinkific.com/

Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
One of the most important parts of life lies in building skills. Skills are what will allow you to go from where you are now to where you eventually want to be. Part and parcel with skill development is the notion of "training".
In this episode, Sim dives into the nuances of why you should always be training and having a mindset of training even in the midst of a regular holiday season.
Social // Website // Courses
Twitter: https://twitter.com/unstoprise
40 Mental Models to Improve Your Thinking - https://unstoppablerise.gumroad.com/l/40mentalmodels
Courses - https://unstoppablerise.thinkific.com/

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
For many of us, opportunities to greatly expand, enrich, and deepen our lives go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of day-to-day living.
But what if your greatest opportunities are right where you stand right now?
In this episode, Sim goes in depth as to why that is and how to take advantage of them.
Resources Mentioned:
Acre of Diamonds Audiobook - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEVk_Ztwzd0
Acre of Diamonds Lecture - https://www.temple.edu/about/history-traditions/acres-diamonds
Acre of Diamonds Book - https://amzn.to/3R9ubpt
Social // Website // Courses
Twitter: https://twitter.com/unstoprise
40 Mental Models to Improve Your Thinking - https://unstoppablerise.gumroad.com/l/40mentalmodels
Courses - https://unstoppablerise.thinkific.com/

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
As someone who is dedicated to improving and growing themselves, you may have tried to help others in an area that you either struggled in and solved successfully and/or an area you are currently learning a lot about; an area that may have helped that other person.
Some of these people may have given you a solid "thanks, but no thanks", laughed in your face, or may have even asked you why you're "wasting your time on this stuff".
If that's a familiar experience to you, then listen to this podcast episode where Sim goes into 6 reasons why many people just aren't (and will never be) interested in what you're trying to show them.
Resources Mentioned:
Power vs Force - https://amzn.to/46nNTSM
Jim Rohn - Some Will, Some Won't - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbFGHclw1gU
Social // Website // Courses
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/unstoprise
40 Mental Models to Improve Your Thinking - https://unstoppablerise.gumroad.com/l/40mentalmodels
Courses - https://unstoppablerise.thinkific.com/

Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
As a young person, there's several things you need to watch out for that can derail you from your life path.
Here's 6 of them and what to do about each of them.
Resources Mentioned:
Pushing to the Front - https://amzn.to/45PZJ7F
Social // Website // Courses
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/unstoprise
40 Mental Models to Improve Your Thinking - https://unstoppablerise.gumroad.com/l/40mentalmodels
Courses - https://unstoppablerise.thinkific.com/

Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
The default response to problems and situations is to turn to the external world in an attempt to solve them. While that can work for various things, it certainly won't work for everything.
In this episode, you'll learn why you and your own state of mind is the only thing that will reliably save you in this turbulent and ever-changing world of ours.
Resources Mentioned:
Out of this World - https://amzn.to/45BZjBT
The Kybalion - https://amzn.to/45DwNjl
Social // Website // Courses
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/unstoprise
40 Mental Models to Improve Your Thinking - https://unstoppablerise.gumroad.com/l/40mentalmodels
Courses - https://unstoppablerise.thinkific.com/

Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Thursday Oct 05, 2023
Motivation. It's a word that means many different things to many different people.
But what is the real meaning of the word and more importantly–how do you use it to achieve your goals?
In this episode, Sim unravels why motivation is overrated and what you should focus on instead.
Resources Mentioned:
Articles :
Monk Mode - https://www.unstoppablerise.com/monk-mode
Dopamine Detox - https://www.unstoppablerise.com/dopamine-detox-neural-reset/
Think and Grow Rich - https://amzn.to/46F3sFR
Social // Website // Courses
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/unstoprise
40 Mental Models to Improve Your Thinking - https://unstoppablerise.gumroad.com/l/40mentalmodels
Courses - https://unstoppablerise.thinkific.com/

Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Regret is a part of being human. But what if there was a way to deal with the emotion of regret and even use it to your advantage?
Sim gives actionable tips on how to turn seeming negatives into positives and use it as a way to catapult you to your ideal life:
Resources Mentioned:
Articles :
Abundance Mindset - https://www.unstoppablerise.com/abundance-mentality/
Regret Minimization Framework - https://www.fastcompany.com/90662406/jeff-bezos-uses-a-simple-framework-for-making-big-decisions-heres-how-it-works
Social // Website // Courses
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/unstoprise
40 Mental Models to Improve Your Thinking - https://unstoppablerise.gumroad.com/l/40mentalmodels
Courses - https://unstoppablerise.thinkific.com/